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About The Free University of Berlin

Country Germany
City Berlin
Number of courses 2

Freie Universität Berlin, also known as The Free University of Berlin, is a renowned German university that was established in 1948. It has earned distinction for its strong research capabilities and is among a select 13 German universities benefiting from special funding through the government's Excellence Strategy.

The university boasts a diverse student body, with approximately 17 percent of its enrollment consisting of international students. Offering an extensive range of more than 150 degree programs across various academic disciplines, Freie Universität Berlin provides students with ample opportunities to pursue their educational interests.

Furthermore, the university holds a distinguished position within the Berlin University Alliance, an exclusive consortium of outstanding educational establishments collaborating to enhance the quality and impact of higher education and research.

In summary, Freie Universität Berlin stands as an esteemed center of learning and research, fostering a global environment that sets it apart as an exceptional destination for academic pursuits.

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Courses at The Free University of Berlin

There are 2 courses listed from The Free University of Berlin. These are displayed below in alphabetical order:

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